The Palms Up Path is a self-paced virtual on demand course that guides you to befriend your fear, question the stories you’ve been handed and deepen trust in yourself and the love that supports you. You’ll learn how to hold your life in a way that creates spaciousness and freedom. Designed by a writing pastor who journeyed deep into high-functioning anxiety and panic attacks, this course is for the anxious and exhausted among us who are in search of a way to live that feels true and sustainable.

Course Content

    1. Welcome

    2. Introduction Video

    3. Reflection Questions + Workbook

    1. Holding On Differently (3:10)

    2. Reflection Questions

    3. No One Wants To Live This Way (4:37)

    4. Reflection Questions

    5. Open Palms + Deposition Tables (3:28)

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. What Keeps Us From Showing Up (4:07)

    8. Reflection Questions

    9. Don't Need to Feel Ready, Just Willing (4:23)

    10. Reflection Questions

    11. We're In This Together (3:26)

    12. Reflection Questions

    1. Your Full Attention (5:58)

    2. Reflection Questions

    3. A Gift In What We Avoid (3:31)

    4. Reflection Questions

    5. Where Do You Notice The Tightness? (4:24)

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. Be Fiercely Present (3:59)

    8. Reflection Questions

    1. The God Thing (7:41)

    2. Reflection Questions

    3. The Pressure Is Off (4:43)

    4. Reflection Questions

    5. Question the Urgency (5:57)

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. Follow the Energy (7:26)

    8. Reflection Questions

    1. What's Coming Next (3:22)

    2. Reflection Questions

    3. Life is Not A Formula (5:49)

    4. Reflection Questions

    5. Hold It Loosely (8:24)

    6. Reflection Questions

    7. You Fully Alive (5:17)

    8. Reflection Questions

Palms Up Path

  • $39.00
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • 20 page downloadable workbook with reflection questions
  • Access to online Palms Up Path community
  • Five modules with 39 micro lessons

What you'll learn

  • Make friends with your fear so you can learn from it
  • Learn how to slow down your life
  • Explore your desire to control
  • Learn to know and trust your deepest self
  • Explore the hard parts of your life story
  • Learn how to live a more aware and awake life
  • Be equipped to notice the presence of the sacred in your lives

Who is the Palms Up Path for?

If it feels like you've been holding your breath for years, I'm here to help you exhale.

  • Those of us who feel anxious and worried.

  • Those of us who feel bored or restless with life.

  • Those of us who feel weary and exhausted.

  • Those of us craving a space to explore and be our full self.

  • Those of us ready to ask brave new questions about our lives.


Jenny Smith

In a time when it’s harder than ever to look reality in the eye, I offer people the courage to show up authentically to life’s complexities. As a writer, coach, and spiritual guide, I believe we cultivate resilience and healing when we move from the story of fear and avoidance toward a palms up posture of curiosity and creative awareness. Inspired by a contemplative stance shared by Dr. Elaine Heath, the Palms Up Path is the culmination of a decade of learning and practice. I'm a wife, mother, pastor, and mental health advocate living in the Pacific Northwest. I received a Masters of Divinity from United Theological Seminary and a Bachelor's of Religion from Florida Southern College.

What students are saying

“The Palms Up Path is great for anyone looking to slow down and get real with God and others. The lessons are short but in-depth. The elements of the Palms Up Path are important, especially when things feel uncertain. The combination of faith, psychology, and practical wisdom is so valuable!”


“If you are seeking to know your heart, feed your soul, meet God in the still, thin places then the Palms Up Path is for you.”


“The Palms Up Path offers a new posture for moving through daily life. The material and conversations were touchstones that reminded me to open my hands, turn them up, and hold life more loosely. That simple change in posture transformed the way I approached my day. It's a physical embodiment of the invitation from Matthew 11:29 to learn the unforced rhythms of grace.”


“When practiced regularly, the Palms Up Path can have a powerful effect on your life. The Palms Up Path teaching provides clear direction and useful tools for how to stay engaged with myself, my life, and God.”


“I loved this class. I enjoyed the me time that I set aside weekly to watch Jenny’s videos. I planned a time when I could be alone and brought along my notebook, pen and a cup of hot coffee. I considered this a gift to myself every week.”


“The Palms Up Path offers both concrete ideas for a life walking with God and a wonderful pause for important spiritual self-care. The teachings and reflections continue to drift through my mind and heart. Through a warm combination of soothing music, beautiful environment and caring authenticity, Jenny created a safe space for us to share, reflect and discuss. Palms Up will be a part of me.”



  • When can I access this course?

    This course is open now!

  • How long will I have access to the course content?

    You have lifetime access to all content.

  • Can I access the content when I want?

    All course materials are available on demand, whenever it fits your schedule. You can engage one module a week for four weeks or stretch it out over three months. Trust the pace you most need in this season.

  • I want to take this course but can't afford the full price right now. Do you have scholarships?

    If you find yourself in a season where the budget is tight, please email [email protected] and we'll explore scholarship options.

  • My relationship with the church and organized religion is complicated. How do you talk about God in this course?

    I'm a pastor and my relationship with organized religion is complicated too. I'm with you. The beauty of the Palms Up Path is how it makes room for many experiences of spirituality. Some of us are looking for ways to slow down and be present in the moment. Some of us are long-time church members looking for new perspectives on faith. Some of us have been harmed by the church and are looking for ways to explore spirituality without further trauma. Some of us aren't sure what we need but we know it's not the religion we often see in news headlines. When we talk about God in this course, it's done with a lot of care for what we carry in our spirituality. There's freedom to use other names for the Divine or Holy One or Love. You can take the parts you resonate with and leave the rest behind. We hope you sense a lot of grace and spaciousness throughout this course.

Palms Up Path

It's time to take a deep breath.